I can't believe this is the one hundredth doodle! The number actually intimidated me a little bit... but then I got to work.
I had some left over oil paints on my palette last week, so I used them to make some quick designs on a sheet of watercolor paper that I thought might be fun to "doodle collage" with when they dried. It was a weird assortment of colors and patterns, though, jarring. Then I split it into two doodles, and the compositions became more clear. So, I guess I shimmied around the stress of the BIG ONE HUNDRED by making #100 and #101 simultaneously. You'll see #101 next week.
I chose this one for #100 because of the element of reflection, and because I really love it. As I was working on it, and made the house reflect the sun, I started thinking the title might be "House of the Rising Sun," so I listened to the song again, and though I love it, I do NOT think it reflects this doodle.
I like that the reflection is not precise; it leaves a little magic, perhaps there's a secret world there, where you can live in the sun, and fly like water.
Enjoy #100! (And keep your eye out for #101 next week.)
Sometimes I share the things people have written about the doodles. This is one of my favorites, from Casey Muldoon:
Art Doodle Lottery Entry: 'Reflections of a Summertime Lost'. Memories- they are pieces of things, moments, glances. Rarely are they remembered as they were. What is conjured up is the approximation of the thing that happened, the bits, the pieces- like cut out pieces of paper and fabric- overlapped, woven, pieced together. They are not the past, but somehow are sufficient to remind us of what was then, and what was beautiful and what stuck to us. It speaks to the animal inside us, the instinct, the intuition, the emotional, the longing.