How to Play the Game of ART


1)   Start with a “What if____?”

“What if I took a line for a walk on this page?”

“What if I painted the evolution of the universe on thread being knit by lightning-cloud-hands in the sky?"

"What if Medusa's head emerged from the sand?" 

2)   Choose your materials.

Wood, clay, bronze, stained glass, light, sand, fabric,  ink, oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, origami, sound, words…

3)   Set any restrictions of time, money, and space.

 Will it take you ten minutes or ten years?

Do you have a budget of $20,000 or do you need to use sand from the beach, and cardboard from the recycling bin?

Will it fit in the palm of your hand or hold a capacity of 300 people?



1) ART is an improvisational game.

That means there are no mistakes. Just whatever there is now, and whatever can happen next.

2)   ART is a conversation; don’t do all of the talking.

Make a move, then step back and listen, look, observe. Where is the piece NOW? What does it want NOW?

3) ART must be played with full commitment.

There will be ugliness and doubts, and it will surely look like a mess in the middle, but there will also be discoveries and learning, and when you play to the end, you’ll have the sheer delight, the tickling surprise, of staring back at something you never could have imagined at the start of the game.



1) Have fun.

2) Create something that inspires wonder and awe for humanity.